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OBF Technology

Introducing to the global market technology for the low pollution and fuel-saving burning process. Application in industrial heat and energy production.

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One of the problems with heat and energy production and combustion engines is the pollution created by the fuel-burning process. Pollution is a global problem for energy and heat-intensive industries. Producers are looking for innovative technologies to make the burning process more effective, save fuel and reduce emissions!

Engineer Working on Machinery

Our contribution

OBF Technology offers a solution to optimize the burning process. We produce cheap oxygen and increase the oxygen level in the air, supplied to the combustion chamber of any industrial fuel-burning process. This allows optimizing the burning process and can save 15-17% of the fuel and reduces pollution: NO emissions reduced 6 times, CO emissions reduced 2 times.

OBF Technology offers to achieve the advantages of the oxy-fuel combustion in regular furnaces. Among these are:

  • Reduced mass and volume of the flue gas.

  • Because the flue gas volume is reduced, less heat is lost in the flue gas.

  • Reduced size of the flue gas treatment equipment.

  • The flue gas is primarily CO2, suitable for sequestration.

  • The concentration of pollutants in the flue gas is higher, making separation easier.

  • Most of the flue gases are condensable; this makes compression separation possible.

  • Because nitrogen from the air is absent, nitrogen oxide production is greatly reduced.

Engineering Tools

Innovative technology

OBF Technology is an engineering company, improving mature technologies in the heat and energy production industry. We have a simple and low running cost solution to filtrate oxygen from the air and deliver it to the combustion chamber.
Our advantage is oxygen separation from the air at very low cost and in the amount that is required for the specific furnace and innovative way to deliver oxygen to the burning chamber.

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Reinis Spunde / CEO

Contact me today and see what I can do for you.

Riga, Latvia

+371 29266199

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Līguma Nr. IZ-L-2019/21; noslēgšanas datumu 31.05.2019.
Līguma Nr. IZ-L-2020/30; noslēgšanas datumu 11.03.2020.

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